Dear Theta Phi Alphas,
Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is off to a great start for you.
A new year is often thought of as an opportunity to set goals, make resolutions for improvement, or make a fresh start. In December 2024, the voting delegates of Theta Phi Alpha passed an Action Without a Meeting motion that will allow the Fraternity to improve the appointment process of our National Officers, which will then, in turn, enhance the consistency of support provided to our chapters, associations, and members. I would like to use my blog this month to share what you can expect to see over the next two years with the passage of this motion.
Prior to this motion passing, all appointed National Officers were appointed by the Grand Council at the start of a new biennium. Theta Phi Alpha has almost 200 appointed National Officers, who must complete three requirements before being appointed – complete the National Officer Modules, sign the National Officer Agreement, and pay national alumnae dues. The timing of the appointments being at the start of a new biennium created several barriers, including needing to update the National Constitution and Bylaws following convention so that the most current information is available in the National Officer Modules, chapters returning to school shortly after convention and needing the support of National Officers who may not yet be appointed, and the transition of members of the Grand Council who are responsible for the appointment process.
The passing of this motion allows us to examine each position and determine when the best timing is for a 2-year term to end. For example, when looking at positions that support our collegiate chapters, when is the optimal time to conduct the appointment process for each position so that support for our chapters remains strong? It is in the best interest of Theta Phi Alpha that all of our Nationals Officers who support chapters do not shift simultaneously. More information will be provided as we progress with the timeline and appointment process development.
The Grand Council has established the Nominations and Appointments Standing Committee this biennium. One of the tasks of this committee is to mentor the future leaders and national officers of Theta Phi Alpha. This committee will be a key part of the new timeline for appointing our National Officers. We are currently accepting applications for this committee. The committee charge and application are found here. Once you select the committee you are interested in, you will see the committee charge on the following page. Please apply if you are interested in serving on this committee.
During the holidays, the Grand Council met for a virtual gift exchange and holiday gathering. Did you gather with Theta Phi Alphas during the holidays? If so, please share a photo using our Photo and Video Submission form.
Yours in the Bonds of Sisterhood,
Kristin Henkenius
National President