National President's Blog Publications

December 2024 President’s Blog

As 2024 ends, I am using this time to reflect on the past year. 2024 was a year of personal ups and downs for me.

Dear Theta Phi Alphas,

As 2024 ends, I am using this time to reflect on the past year. 2024 was a year of personal ups and downs for me. My father-in-law died in August at the age of 88 after living a full life. His love and humor is greatly missed. In September, I was able to take a trip to Italy and take a Mediterranean cruise after 5 years of planning and saving. This trip still makes me smile when I think about it! I imagine that all of you can relate to the ups and downs of 2024. I share the sadness and hurt that the “downs” bring and hope the smiles of the “ups” bring you joy.

In my January blog, I shared that I had chosen “present” as my word of the year for 2024 after reading this article. As I continue to be intentional about my word of the year, I will continue to slow down and focus on experiences happening at the moment. Selecting this word caused me to pause and focus on each day. Please enjoy my pictures from 2024 showing me being present.

Do you have a picture of you being present with other Theta Phi Alphas from 2024? Please submit it using our Photo and Video Submission form.

I wish you peace, love, and happiness this holiday season.

Yours in the Bonds of Sisterhood,

signatue of theta phi alpha president kristin henkenius

Kristin Henkenius
National President

Kristen Henkenius - Celebrating my mom’s 85th birthday.
Celebrating my mom’s 85th birthday.
Kristen Henkenius - Celebrating my nephew Alec and my new niece Ashley’s wedding.
Celebrating my nephew Alec and my new niece Ashley’s wedding.
Attending Theta Phi Alpha’s National Convention in Baltimore.
Attending Theta Phi Alpha’s National Convention in Baltimore.
Visiting my daughter Liz in New York City.
Visiting my daughter Liz in New York City.
Saying goodbye and honoring the life of my father-in-law Ed Henkenius.
Saying goodbye and honoring the life of my father-in-law Ed Henkenius.
Exploring vineyards in Italy with my husband Joe, and our friends Brandon and Stef.
Exploring vineyards in Italy with my husband Joe, and our friends Brandon and Stef.
Beautiful sunsets!
Beautiful sunsets!
Celebrating my dad’s 90th birthday.
Celebrating my dad’s 90th birthday.
Planning for the future of Theta Phi Alpha with the 2024-2026 Grand Council.
Planning for the future of Theta Phi Alpha with the 2024-2026 Grand Council.
Finding beautiful pumpkins with friends at a local pumpkin patch to create this porch display.
Finding beautiful pumpkins with friends at a local pumpkin patch to create this porch display.