
Program Supports

Through donation support, Theta Phi Alpha Foundation is able to provide members with the following opportunities: 

1   |   Scholarships

Theta Phi Alpha Foundation has grown since our 1959 founding, always remaining true to our original intention of Scholarships for Sisters. The scholarship program now has six endowed funds for scholarships with another six funds working towards endowment, which will continue providing these academic scholarships into the future. Scholarships for sisters—help sisters pursue Wisdom, a core value of Theta Phi Alpha, with academic scholarships. 

Since 2023, Theta Phi Alpha Foundation has partnered with NGLA by offering two scholarships to expand Theta Phi Alpha’s attendance at the NGLA Annual Conference, which covers the student’s registration. The Northeast Greek Leadership Association (NGLA) provides educational experiences and programming

2   |   Leadership Education

Theta Phi Alpha Foundation helps support the enhancement of leadership training and education by providing resources and instruction to the membership of Theta Phi Alpha. We do this by supporting initiatives like Leadership Consultants, programming for online and in-person conferences and conventions, DEIA and mental health programming, and supporting the Siena Medalist. The Siena Medalist is given a donation on behalf of Theta Phi Alpha Foundation to support an organization of their choice. Leadership Education is made possible through the support of the Dr. Mari Ann Callais Leadership Endowment.

woman holding siena medal 2016

3   |   Philanthropy / Community Service

Advancing philanthropic interests is a part of Theta Phi Alpha’s mission and Traditions of Theta Phi Alpha, which state, “A Theta Phi Alpha engages in philanthropic efforts to help those less fortunate than herself.” We promote our philanthropic efforts starting with recruitment and throughout all phases of membership.

Philanthropy and community service can take many forms. Volunteering, participation in service projects, and collection of donations, whether monetary or of goods, are some of the ways to participate. Theta Phi Alpha focuses its philanthropic efforts on: Theta Phi Alpha Hunger and Homelessness. Philanthropic support is made possible through the assistance of the 
Sue Check Glenmary Endowment Fund.

4   |   Technology Infrastructure

In partnership with Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity, we provide technology that supports communication with our sisters. As well as assisting the Fraternity with their advancements in providing digital education and resource access to the membership.

5   |   Disaster Relief

Our Theta Phi Alpha Relief Fund was established in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 to provide assistance to sisters affected by a Presidentially-declared disaster. Grants can be used for purchasing basic necessities, such as food, clothing, and temporary housing. Many items permitted are not covered by insurance or FEMA grants, so this extra assistance helps to bridge the gap of the financial losses incurred. 

Contributions to the Theta Phi Alpha Relief Fund help sisters who truly are in need of unimaginable help and support. Make your contribution to this important fund by designating the Relief Fund within the Foundation donation form

Thank you for your invaluable support in making these achievements possible. Your generosity drives our continued success and impact.

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