National Awards

Applications for National Awards

Due by April 30, 2026

All of our National Awards and supporting documentation may be submitted electronically via the links on this page. Awards that do not require applications are indicated in the Annual & National Awards Overview documents below. If you are submitting a letter of recommendation for someone else, please use this required form. If you have any questions regarding applications or the awards process, please contact the current Trustee overseeing awards at:

Theta Phi Alpha and the Board of Trustees congratulates the chapters, alumnae associations and individual members who received awards at the 2024 National Convention. The list of awards and recipients is available here.

Presented in recognition of the most worthy activity (single event or project) that brought value to the community on the part of an alumnae association. Community Service is volunteering time for a charitable organization. Examples include helping to build a house for Habitat for Humanity, serving a meal at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, distributing flyers, and working at an event for an organization. Two separate awards may be considered for hometown community service and/or national community service based on the completion of the Community Service report in the Officer Portal of myThetaPhi.

Presented in recognition of the most worthy activity (single event or project) for one of our national philanthropies or a local philanthropic organization. Philanthropy is collecting money or items for a charitable organization. Examples include collecting money, canned goods, or clothing, raising money through the sale of items, charging a participation fee for an event. Two separate awards may be considered for hometown philanthropy and/or national philanthropy based on the completion of the Philanthropy Report in the Officer Portal of myThetaPhi.

Presented to the chapter having the highest grade point average reported during the previous academic year. Consideration is based on information submitted on Academic Excellence Reports.

Presented to the alumnae association for overall excellence in membership, cooperation with national, financial management, program planning, and participation in national activities. Application is required.

Apply for the Centennial Award

Presented to the chapter that best supports the efforts of a local philanthropic project as evidenced by the scope, number of participants, and success of the project.

Presented to the chapter that best supports the efforts of our National Philanthropies as evidenced by the scope, number of participants, and success of the project.

For both versions, the award is based on information received from reports submitted through the Officer Portal of myThetaPhi.

Presented to chapter(s) that have been outstanding since the previous Convention in membership, cooperation with the national organization, academic excellence, financial management, and active participation in campus activities. An application is required.

Apply for the Circle of Excellence Award

Recommend a Chapter for the Circle of Excellence Award

Presented to an outstanding Fraternity/Sorority advisor who provided superior support and guidance to a chapter and/or Fraternity/Sorority Community on campus. A nomination is required.

Nominate an Outstanding Fraternity/Sorority Professional Award

Presented to the Chapter Advisory Board for outstanding guidance to a collegiate chapter. Nomination required by a chapter, alumnae association, Chapter Advisor, Conference Director or other national officer. A recommendation form is required from one collegian not on the board. Advisory Board reports are required via the Officer Portal of myThetaPhi.

Recommend a Chapter Advisory Board

Presented in recognition of the most worthy activity (single event or project) that brought value to the community or campus by a chapter. Community Service is volunteering time for a charitable organization. Examples include helping to build a house for Habitat for Humanity, serving a meal at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, distributing flyers, and working at an event for an organization. Two separate awards may be considered for hometown community service and/or national community service based on reporting submitted.

Reports can be submitted through the Officer Portal of myThetaPhi.

Presented to a chapter and/or an association based upon participation in the inaugural Inclusive Excellence programming and participation in local DEIA initiatives. No application is required.

Presented to the chapter that has given the most support to the Foundation through donations since the preceding National Convention. Award is based on monetary donations from the chapter or sisters who indicate the donation should be credited to a specific chapter. No report or application is required; Theta Phi Alpha Foundation will determine the winner.

Presented to the alumnae association that has given the most support to the Foundation through donations. Award is based on monetary donations from the alumnae association or sisters who indicate the donation should be credited to a specific alumnae association. No report or application is required; Theta Phi Alpha Foundation will determine the winner.

Presented to an outstanding volunteer who has made a special contribution to the fraternity or went above and beyond the performance expectations of the position. The selection is made by the Grand Council.

Presented to each new chapter installed since the preceding Convention. No report or application is required.

Presented to the chapter showing the greatest improvement during the biennium. Award is based on comparison of number of new members initiated, chapter size and grade point average from the previous biennium and recommendation of national officers who work with the chapter. Various reports that include above information will be reviewed.

Apply for the Otilia Leuchtweis O’Hara Chapter Improvement Award

To recognize an alumna who has demonstrated exceptional ability in guiding the personal and fraternal growth of a sister, emerging chapter, or chapter. In addition to the nomination form, at least one recommendation form is required along with a list of individual sisters, associations and/or chapters who this sister has impacted. Three additional references are required.

Nominate an Outstanding Alumna Mentor

Write a reference for a nominee

Presented to the chapter that has contributed the most to the College Panhellenic or Fraternity/Sorority Council on its campus. NPC reports and President’s Report may be utilized.

Apply for the Ruth M. Thompson Chapter Greek Life Award

Submit supporting documentation

Provide a reference

The following awards were paused or archived for the 2024 Convention year:

  • Agent of Change
  • Aleta Bock Schnieders Chapter Recruitment Award
  • Amelia McSweeney Award
  • Flint Area Alumnae Association Attendance Award
  • Mildred Connely Award
  • Mileage Award
  • Ruth Thompson Alumnae Association Greek Life Award

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