Your support helps us provide members with:
- Scholarships for sisters—help sisters in pursuit of Wisdom, a core value of Theta Phi Alpha, with academic scholarships, as well as to Northeast Greek Leadership Association's Annual Conference.
- Leadership education and training—provides resources and instruction to develop the sisters and new members of Theta Phi Alpha.
- Leadership Consultants—provide on-site personal contact and educational opportunities to Theta Phi Alpha chapters and emerging chapters.
- Programming at National Conventions, Officer Leadership Training and Theta Phi Days—offer national and regional opportunities for engagement and education of our young leaders.
- Philanthropy—providing assistance for the philanthropies supported by Theta Phi Alpha.
- Technology infrastructure—In partnership with Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity, we provide technology that supports communication with our sisters.
- Disaster Relief—aids sisters who have been affected by a Presidentially-declared disaster.