
January 2023

Jan 23, 2023 | Categories: Announcements, Blog

Dear Theta Phi Alphas,

In December I returned to my alma mater, Wayne State College in Wayne, NE, for my son Nic’s graduation. This was such a proud parent moment for me! Wayne State is the home of our Alpha Pi chapter, my chapter, and while I was there I was able to connect with one of my chapter sisters, Regan Ott, who was also graduating that day. I am proud every time a sister from my chapter graduates and enters the alumna phase of membership.

I met Regan a couple of years ago when I was at a chapter event and have stayed in touch with her ever since. Last summer Regan reached out to me, let me know that she was graduating in December, and wanted to know how she could stay involved as an alumna. Here is what I shared with Regan and would like to share with our members who have entered the alumna
phase of membership…recently or several years ago!

Take time to visit the Welcome New Alumnae page on the national website at This page has links to resources that will help you transition to alumnae life. Here are a few of the links you will find on this page:
● Share a photo of your graduation. We love to celebrate our new graduates!
● Update your contact information in the Member Portal Keeping your information updated means your chapter and the national organization can communicate with you. Associations and clubs in the area you live will also be able to
contact you.
● See if there is an association or club in your geographic area. Sisterhood doesn’t end when you leave college!
● Look for internship or job opportunities through the Scholars program.
● Apply for a volunteer position with Theta Phi Alpha.

Back to my conversation with Regan. Regan wanted to know how she could stay involved with Theta Phi Alpha after graduation, especially since she would be moving to an area where we do not have chapters, associations, or clubs. We talked about the opportunities that are available at a national level. Regan told me that one day she hopes to serve on the Grand Council! I’m happy to share that Regan has recently been appointed to her first national volunteer position as the Philanthropy Manager for the Programming Team!

I’ve been an alumna for 33 years. I cherish the memories of my college days at Wayne State College, and these sisters are many of my closest friends. As an alumna, I have had the opportunity to meet sisters from other chapters by being a member of an alumnae association, and serving Theta Phi Alpha as a national officer. This involvement has resulted in close friends across the country who I travel with, exchange holiday cards, text, share celebrations and sorrows, and can’t wait to hug when we are in the same place again! I have purposely stayed in contact with the collegians of Alpha Pi chapter, and travel back to campus for events when I
can. Zoom has allowed me to attend Unity Week and welcome our soon to be initiated sisters. I cherish the relationship I have with my chapter and am proud of the care they take of our chapter so the alumnae have a place to go home to at Wayne State College.

Congratulations to Regan and to all our new alumnae! How do you want to continue your Theta Phi Alpha journey in the longest phase of membership? I’m excited for you, encourage you to stay in touch with your chapter, join an association or club, and get involved as a volunteer for Theta Phi Alpha. Please reach out to me at [email protected] if I can help you with
your journey!

Yours in the Bonds of Sisterhood,

Kristin Henkenius
National President

Kristin and Regan Ott  Kristin, her husband Joe, and her son Nic at Nic's college graduation

Kristin's Graduation Photo

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